Free online registration.
On payment of annual nomination fee of Rs.499/- resume will be shared among employers. One year premium subscription free for students of V-Care EDUCON.
Employer may recommend candidate to share their resumes through our online portal to standardize their recruitment process in their job vacancy advertisement.
Process of selection would be governed by terms and conditions finalized between employer(s) and candidate. V-Care EDUCON shall not be responsible for any dispute between candidate and employer(s).
The registered member shall not to use the service to send or receive any message, which is offensive on moral, religious, racial or political grounds or of an offensive, vulgar, obscene, malicious or menacing nature.
The portal being a public site with free access shall not be held liable for the quality and genuineness of responses from either side.
V-Care EDUCON reserves the right to refuse / terminate service to anyone at the any point of time, if found dealing against policy.
By using your referral code referred candidates will get 5% discount on first course.
The referring member will be credited with reward points which can be used against his/her enrollment for courses offered. Rewards points/discount shall not be applicable for attending workshop(s).
Free online registration.
On payment of annual nomination fee of Rs.499/- resume will be shared among employers. One year premium subscription free for students of V-Care EDUCON.
Employer may recommend candidate to share their resumes through our online portal to standardize their recruitment process in their job vacancy advertisement.
Process of selection would be governed by terms and conditions finalized between employer(s) and candidate. V-Care EDUCON shall not be responsible for any dispute between candidate and employer(s).
The registered member shall not to use the service to send or receive any message, which is offensive on moral, religious, racial or political grounds or of an offensive, vulgar, obscene, malicious or menacing nature.
The portal being a public site with free access shall not be held liable for the quality and genuineness of responses from either side.
V-Care EDUCON reserves the right to refuse / terminate service to anyone at the any point of time, if found dealing against policy.
By using your referral code referred candidates will get 5% discount on first course.
The referring member will be credited with reward points which can be used against his/her enrollment for courses offered. Rewards points/discount shall not be applicable for attending workshop(s).
The policy of the company is to maintain and improve its reputation for quality services. The aim of the company is to provide services of high standard that will merit and earn continuous client satisfaction in a competitive market.This will help us stay ahead as market leaders in the Field of Service Industry. Continuous Quality improvement leads to zero defect through innovative approach.
Shipment Mode | Calculation on based on |
Freight on type of equipment / unit to be use (eg. Type of Equipment 20' or 40' | Type of Unit GP; Reefer; Flat Rack; Open Top etc ) |
Freight on Per CBM or Per MTS whichever will be higher of the consignment Formula : If dimension is in Meter : L x B x H x Total No of Packages If dimension is in Inches : L x B x H x 0.0000164 x Total No of Packages |
Break Bulk | Freight on Per MTS |
Air |
Freight on Total Gross KGS or Total Chargeable KGS of the consignment which ever will be higher Formula : L x B x H x No of Packages Commercial Mode :- If dimension is in Inches : L x B x H x Total No of Packages / 366 if dimension is in CMS : L x B x H x Total No of Packages / 6000 Courier Mode :- If dimension is in Inches : L x B x H x Total No of Packages / 355 if dimension is in CMS : L x B x H x Total No of Packages / 5000 |
Enrolled → | | Enrolled Candidates : |
Enrolled → | | Enrolled Candidates : |
About Book :
Whether you are pursuing a programme in international Shipping & Logistics or have just begun working in this industry, this book will serve as a ready reckoner for detailed understanding and execution of different processes in the industry. Students with start-up ideas shall find this book very useful.
Right from presenting a pressing case to work in the shipping industry this book takes you on a voyage through everything important that you will encounter day in and day out while working in the shipping industry.
If being at the sea means more than holidaying at an exotic beach for you then this book is for you. Shipping & logistics industry of India is one of the world's most magnificent marvels. As per Shipping Ministry of India, 95% of trade volume in the country is handled by ports. This makes it multibillion US dollars industry, with CAGR in the double digits. To the young guns having the penchant to touch the horizons, Indian shipping & logistics industry shores up an ocean of opportunities.
If you are one of such ambitious dreamers then this book is dedicated to you with an aim to rousing your ambition and helping you navigate to make a successful career in international shipping & logistics. Right from presenting a pressing case to work in the shipping industry this book takes you on a voyage through everything important that you will encounter day in and day out while working in the shipping industry.
The book is written by the industry veteran Mr. Dhaval Shah in an express manner of helping the rookies like you. Come on board before the ship of India's most lucrative industry sails away.